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Hadia Ersus. was out for a date with an unnamed man. Both the were for a cafe, and the improvised opportunistic gesture was to forward her an email.

It was a little note that warned the woman of a potentially dangerous problem. She was then directed https://www.newsweek.com/why-dating-apps-are-no-way-find-true-love-1565682 to run. The note was handed to her by a new person, and your sweetheart posted the note in Twitter. It has since no longer viral, racking up 33, 000 retweets and thousands of comments.

While the take note may have been brilliant, it is largely ignored by Hadia and her philippina lady supporters. Many people are wondering to know if it was a hoax or a substantial occurrence. Others have gotten similar activities.


Despite the controversy, it seems as if the octave of this o, the m, plus the o remain in style. In fact , Hadia stayed with her day, even though the time frame was contentious.

A tweet claiming as the best 1st date ever before goes far, but does the note on its own really matter? Hopefully, Hadia learned a thing or two from the encounter.

Obviously, it is a wise course of action to be safe the moment on a first date. Nonetheless it’s less convenient as it seems. You may be enticed to do the whole thing you can to avoid a negative date, yet at times the best thing you need to do is let it go and have awesome. If not more than that, the experience will more than likely make you chuckle.

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